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We introduce TVB-HKSL-News, a large-vocabulary signer-dependent HKSL dataset for continuous sign language recognition (SLR) and sign language translation (SLT). The dataset is collected from TVB News Report with Sign Language TV program. It consists of 16.07 hours of sign videos of two signers with a vocabulary of 7,160 glosses for SLR and 2,850 Chinese characters (or 18K Chinese words) for SLT.

Dataset Statistics

name Duration (h) Samples SLR vocab SLR tokens SLR #singletons SLT vocab SLT tokens SLT #singletons Duration (%) Samples (%) SLR Tokens (%) SLT Tokens (%)
Overall 16.07 7,160 6,515 121,817 2,820 2,850 232,310 462 100 100 100 100
- Signer1 11.66 5,350 5,476 88,788 2,362 2,695 173,027 450 72.59 74.72 72.89 74.48
- Signer2 4.41 1,810 3,280 33,029 1,479 2,100 59,283 465 27.41 25.28 27.11 25.52
Train 14.71 6,516 6,515 111,204 2,925 2,816 212,108 466 91.53 91.01 91.29 91.3
- Signer1 10.66 4,863 5,449 80,972 2,430 2,666 157,800 463 66.34 67.92 66.47 67.93
- Signer2 4.05 1,653 3,234 30,232 1,520 2,069 54,308 468 25.18 23.09 24.82 23.38
Dev 0.67 322 1,091 5,222 471 1,279 10,003 395 4.18 4.5 4.29 4.31
- Signer1 0.49 241 946 3,790 430 1,178 7,508 382 3.03 3.37 3.11 3.23
- Signer2 0.18 81 503 1,432 264 710 2,495 286 1.15 1.13 1.18 1.07
Test 0.69 322 1,130 5,391 518 1,276 10,199 399 4.29 4.5 4.43 4.39
- Signer1 0.52 246 1,001 4,026 503 1,195 7,719 410 3.21 3.44 3.3 3.32
- Signer2 0.17 76 476 1,365 240 711 2,480 299 1.08 1.06 1.12 1.07

Example Data

Signer 1

Video SLR Glosses SLT Characters
肺 發炎 學校 分 一 房 最 多 四 學生
(Lung Inflamed School One Room Maximum Four Students)
(In response to the epidemic situation, students will be divided into groups and only a maximum of four students will be arranged in each classroom)
消息 說 他 香港 身份證 沒 但是 美國 護照
(News Say His Hong Kong ID Not But US Passport)
(It is reported that he does not have a Hong Kong identity card but holds a US passport)
兩 日 內 發生 一 二 三 有關 爆炸 爆炸 爆炸 情況
(Two Days In Happen One Two Three Related Bomb Bomb Bomb Situation)
(Three cases involving bombs in two days)

Signer 2

Video SLR Glosses SLT Characters
大埔 路 沙 田 坡 泥 傾瀉 因為 某些 地方 下雨 下雨 多
(Tai Po Highway Sha Tin Slope Mud Pour Because Some Place Rain Rain Much)
(On the Sha Tin section of Tai Po Highway, the retaining wall has collapsed in many places like a waterfall)
國 衞生 健康 委員 說 湖 北 加 七 二 現在 全部 二 百 七 十 廣 東 一 四 仍然 北京 五 上海 二
(National Health Health Committee Say Hubei Add Seven Two Now Overall Two Hundred Seven Ten Guangdong One Four Still Beijing Five Shanghai Two)
國家衛健委公布湖北省新增 72 宗個案現時當地總數 270 宗廣東省維持 14 宗首都北京 5 宗上海 2 宗
(The National Health and Medical Commission announced that there were 72 new cases in Hubei Province. The current local total is 270. Guangdong Province maintains 14 cases in the capital Beijing, 5 cases in Shanghai and 2 cases.)
文 考試 日期 延後 學生 說 讀書 計劃 影響 混亂 某些 機構 說 語言 考試 這 取消 變 不公平
(Diploma Exam Date Postpone Student Say Study Plan Affect Disrupt Some Institution Say Language Exam Cancel Unfair)
(HKDSE Postponement. Some candidates said it disrupted study plans. Some education institutions worried that cancellation of language oral examinations would affect fairness)

Baseline Results

We have obtained baseline results on the TVB-HKSL-News dataset with several popular SOTA SLR and SLT methods.

Continuous Sign Language Recognition

Method Modality WER (%) Dev WER (%) Test
S3D [1,3] Keypoints 45.73 44.56
S3D [1,3] Video 39.59 38.63
VLT [2] Video 35.89 36.18
C2SLR [2] Video+Keypoints 35.43 35.78
TwoStream-SLR [3] Video+Keypoints 34.52 34.08

Sign Language Translation

Method Rouge (Dev) BLEU-1 (Dev) BLEU-2 (Dev) BLEU-3 (Dev) BLEU-4 (Dev) Rouge (Test) BLEU-1 (Test) BLEU-2 (Test) BLEU-3 (Test) BLEU-4 (Test)
S3D (video) [1,3] 18.64 21.98 15.17 11.18 8.79 21.61 25.39 18.59 14.57 12.10
S3D (keypoints) [1,3] 15.65 18.18 11.58 8.09 6.22 16.42 19.93 13.72 10.41 8.48
TwoStream-SLT [3] 38.12 43.22 33.44 26.04 21.00 39.80 44.68 35.27 28.29 23.58


To download the dataset, please fill in the request form and send to us via email. After receiving your request, we will send you the download link and password to access the dataset.


[1]: Saining Xie, Chen Sun, Jonathan Huang, Zhuowen Tu, and Kevin Murphy. 2018. Rethinking spatiotemporal feature learning: Speed-accuracy trade-offs in video classification. In ECCV, pages 305–321.

[2]: Ronglai Zuo and Brian Mak. 2022a. C2SLR: Consistency-enhanced continuous sign language recognition. In CVPR, pages 5131–5140.

[3]: Yutong Chen, Ronglai Zuo, Fangyun Wei, Yu Wu, Shujie Liu, and Brian Mak. 2022b. Two-stream network for sign language recognition and translation. In NeurIPS.